Trupanion offers simple and effective protection for the high risk and high cost…
"Dr. Keeker, can Fluffy come in the house now? Are the fleas gone outside? My mom doesn't want any fleas in the house!" Every year about Thanksgiving I would get the same phone call from my friends son. He and his brothers and sister would want the cat to come inside as soon as possible....they couldn’t wait for colder weather...they got to have Fluffy come inside...but only if there were no fleas! We've gotten a little more…
The old adage is that a dog is 7 years older for every calendar year of his age. That's kind of an average number and it really depends a lot on the breed of dog, and is it a big dog or a little dog? Small breeds tend to live longer so their "number" actually is lower than seven.
"Seven" is also just an average number when we consider how fast a dog matures. The first year of their…
Dr. Keeker will regularly post articles of interest that should be helpful to you, the pet owner, on a number of pet related issues. Answers to everyday, common questions can be found in LRVH Latest News, but don't hesitate to email questions to Dr. Keeker at . Periodically, links to other sites with timely information about pets will be in this section as well. You can also see more information about LRVH's Facebook page.
You've all heard the little ditty...."there ain't no fleas on me"! Fleas are those pesky little critters, about the size of a pencil lead that cause all kinds of trouble for you and your pets. Well, ‘tis the season to get ahead of the fleas.
Imagine a flea biting you...or maybe you don’t have to imagine it. Flea bites itch really bad! That’s why your dog or cat will scratch, bite, and chew themselves raw. The most common allergy…
I've always liked the letter "P." I don't know why, maybe it's because the way your lips "pop" when using the letter. Maybe it's because my grandfather's name was Paul. I especially like this saying; Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance." I just love it. I'm not a "Perfectionist," really!
I'd like to share five "pertinent points" to consider when looking for a new or different veterinarian, my five "P's"!
Proximity: Studies have shown that one main factor in…
The holiday's are here. Everyone is busy with baking of Chrismas treats, putting up decorations and lights, shopping for gifts, and preparing for guests. With all the activity, Fido or Tiger just can't help but want to be involved. Sometimes we get so busy during this season that we forget to make our homes FURkid proof and deviate from the routine our FURkids are… |